People are uniting together to form a group or community from different age, races, nationalities, gender and religions can be wonderfully defined as Diversity. Diversity is a value that we can get through mutual respect and appreciation despite the differences from all people. In today’s world, most people see Diversity as a good thing as it allows people the chance to experience things that are different from what they normally used to. At its best, Diversity is inclusive. It proposes together the best of what the world has to offer. A good example would be Malaysia, where all people are coming from different backgrounds, beliefs, thoughts and culture.
In Malaysia, people believe in respecting each other’s differences as Malaysia is very diverse on its own. Diversity is not always just based on the background that you come from but any distinctive difference between the individuals. Physical appearance, opinions and thoughts are also a part of diversity.
“If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity”, a famous saying by former US president, John F. Kennedy explains how important it is Diversity in any country. On the other hand, Diversity can have catastrophic results such as war and bloodshed if the people in the country cannot accept Diversity as a part of their life.
Nevertheless, Diversity is generally our greatest asset as the man kind because it gives us the ability to adapt and survive with different kinds of environment. However, the forerunner to Diversity is tolerance and acceptance. Without it, the concept of diversity can be tainted by the degradation of humanity. Flora’s Pocket believes that unity in Malaysia can be peacefully achieved through Diversity. Do watch Flora’s Pocket teaser video on introducing our kind of Diversity. Many more are coming soon!