When you open a box, you will see its contents. However, when you open a mind, you will see the endless possibilities. Beautiful things happen when our minds open, when they step out of their comfort zones and explore more than what is fed and come together as one. We must embrace ourselves, no matter our faiths, cultures, disabilities, and differences. Do not be afraid of who you are, because you are right where you belong. Think of humanity as a puzzle and we are its pieces. Both colourful and different. Humanity may start out as plural beings, but when our minds merge and become one, humanity is singular. In a sense, we are each other. I am you, and you are me. Together, let us paint this world with beautiful colours of humanity through our diversities. This is our vision of humanity , this is what we believe in and live by. Here’s a little video to paint the picture out for you ;
-Qisha Laude ; Flora's Pocket